Tuesday 31 December 2013

Not peeking around the corner.

Around this time last year I posted a blog entry about the New Year of 2013. I am now sitting writing this on the last day of that year waiting for my corned beef and brie toasted sandwich to cool and reflecting.
So, this time last year I was staying with The Brother and waiting for the money for the sale of the house to come through so that I could split the proceeds with Madame, pay off my debts and find a new place to live. Today I'm sitting in my new home, albeit rented but still home all the same with a plan for my retirement in 5 years time and hoping for the best in the year to come.
Madame became engaged to a new chap and visited here twice this past year and I went to the USA, not to visit her but to have a jolly time in Las Vegas, which I did. I hope to be able to travel more for pleasure this next year and will try to be more assiduous in keeping in touch with friends.
The past year has not been too bad to me nor has it all been wine and roses but I've chugged along and am grateful for the help The Brother has given me. I like living here in North Broomhill and hope I can continue to do so in future. Even if I have to move from this house I would like to stay in the area since it is a great mix of country and coast and the locals are pretty friendly in general.
I hope to be able to continue with my work as a trainer and will make every effort in my spare time to do a bit more writing and get the first tale in The Story finished so that I can move on to the next episode. I'll continue to drone on in this blog and try to be more regular with my posts to try and keep you abreast of my doings whether you want me to or not.
I'm not making any specific New Year resolutions as such but I'll try, as my Facebook friend Leigh Ann says, not to borrow trouble and just deal with whatever life throws at me. No what-ifs and over-thinking just get on with life and hope for the best.
Sorry if this has been a bit of a ramble, I have just written down what has come into my head without a plan of how it will pan out or where it is going, a bit like my life really.
Anyway, all I can say is I wish everyone a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2014. Peace and Love. ttfn

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