Sunday 29 December 2013

03:07 Sunday 29/12/13

So here I am, wide awake lying in bed with a kitty at my feet writing yet more drivel. Or not. Maybe what drips from my fingers onto the page will be the most inspirational post I've ever written. Or not. Sometimes I think about what I'm going to write on here and other times I just let my mind loose to write whatever comes forth. I'll let you dear reader decide what this post is.
Anyway, I spent most of yesterday in the club then came home for a curry, which was splendid. Both the club and the curry. I decided that an early night was in order so I was in bed by 10.30 pm. Now of course having woken up thirsty and gone for a drink I can't get back to sleep, hence my ramblings.
I also was having a horrible dream which was reliving, albeit in a slightly inaccurate fashion, Madame's leaving home back in 2012. That was not a pleasant experience, then or in my dream. I sincerely hope I don't have to go through another break-up although in order to do that I'll have to stay single as I think I'm incapable of sustaining a relationship.
But still, that is all in the past and as I said in my last ramblings I am going to try to be more optimistic in future.
Once the holidays are over I'm going to cut back drastically on my drink intake and try to lose enough weight to allow me to get into my linen suit for the Summer. It isn't that I plan to need to wear said suit it's just a good target to have rather than aim at a weight. I have some very good clothes which are currently useless as I am too much of a fat slob to get into them so rather than buy a new set of clothes I'm going to reduce my girth which will benefit both my pocket and my health. My pocket because I'll not be spending money on drink or new clothes and my health because I'll not be hauling around 60 pounds of extra blubber. The only extra pounds I want will be of the currency kind which as previously mentioned I will be saving by the aforementioned abstinence and lack of apparel purchasing.
Still enough from me for now. Until next time, Peace and Love, ttfn.

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