Sunday 26 January 2014

Blinking awful.

The weather is dire, wet and windy with snow forecast. I don't know what happened to those crisp dry Winter days we used to get but it seems lately that it will never stop raining or blowing a hoolie.
Days like this make me yearn for somewhere warm to spend the dark months. Any one from Las Vegas, San Diego, Palm Springs or Yuma would suit me. That is my plan as I've said before. If I'm spared, when I retire I would like to spend the Summer months in the UK and the dark miserable Winter months in the South West of the USA.
We'll see if that pans out, because I really need to get out of this backward looking rut I find myself in. It is not good for me to look back all the time and wish for things that can't be. I need to look forward and hope for things that can be. Positivity has never been one of my strong points so it will need a major overhaul of my attitude to life if I'm to achieve happiness again.
Wish me luck.  ttfn

1 comment:

  1. Looking at this I've realised that I do write some self-pitying twaddle at times. I know I'm in a down phase just now but jeez this is just tripe in the most part. I do need to move forward and stop looking backwards but as I say self pity isn't going to make that happen.
