Thursday 26 November 2015

Feeling poorly

I'm not sure if I have a cold or if it's allergies but I'm feeling rotten at the moment. I also have what we in the North East of England call 'The Skitters', I'll leave that you your imagination. Suffice to say I'm not firing on all cylinders today so I thought I would write a few words to pass the time why I quietly die.
I was going to go on again about how many awful people there are on Twitter but I've banged on about that enough and there are also some lovely people who counter the other kind so we'll put that to bed I think. The option to just not go there is always available and I have exercised that recently. I made the mistake of nipping back on yesterday to be met with abuse from right-wing trolls for asking a question so I think I'll just observe for a while again.
I'm feeling a little sorry for myself with being poorly but I've cheered myself up by working out that if I time things right I will be able to afford to retire early some time next year. That will be a great thing if I can manage it, it will mean that I can concentrate on writing poems and my long-ignored story of Bob West, blogging and catching up on some reading.
Another reason I'm a bit down is the fact that today is Thanksgiving and although I'm not American I kind of became used to celebrating with Karen each year and I do miss it. Still can't be helped,I just have to get on with it.
I'll tell you what though,if anyone ever has a sore throat I thoroughly recommend Olbas Pastilles, they take a little bit of getting used to taste-wise but by gum they do the job.
I've nothing much else to report really so I'll stop now and go back to reading before it's time to watch Ken Burns' The Civil War which is being repeated on the PBS America Channel and is a masterpiece.
Until next time, Peace and Love. ttfn x

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