Wednesday 16 April 2014

The power of words.

I am in the process of reading "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie, the man who wrote "How to Win Friends and Influence People". This book is a work of genius; it has changed my whole outlook on life in the space of less than ten days.
A week past Monday I was sitting under a cloud of gloom caused by Madame's marriage and the death of an old pal. Now, sad as I am at both events I have realised that there was nothing I could say or do to influence either one. I will remember the happy times with both and try to maintain a supportive contact with my pal's wife but I have realised that wishing for the past to change and the inevitable not occur is a waste of time, effort and emotion.
Most of my past problems have revolved around wishing things had been different or worrying about things that may or may not happen. I accept those things I can't change, will try to change those things which I can and learn from past mistakes, forget them and move on.
I intend to live in the day, what is past is gone and learned from, what is to come can be planned for if I know it is coming and any shocks and surprises I will deal with in the best way that I can by working out what I can influence and leaving anything that I can't influence up to fate.
As Fred Fuller Shedd said, "You can't saw sawdust".
I may still have down days but at least my new philosophy will mean that I am not dwelling on the past, or fretting about the future.
Peace and Love, ttfn. x

1 comment:

  1. Just a short update. I have now finished reading the book and it really has changed my whole attitude to life. The dark clouds have blown away and I am looking at life through new eyes. I will carry this book with me at all times and should my mood ever start to drop I will dip into it and find good advice to help me raise it again. I recommend this book to anyone who has problems with worry, anxiety or low mood. There are parts where there is a somewhat religious approach but if you get past that (should you want to) you will not go far wrong.
