Saturday 13 February 2016

It's Saturday.

As the train of the working week bumps into the buffers of the weekend I'm sitting with my friend Thomas Kitty, TK to his friends, waiting for a loaf of bread to finish cooking and the tomato sauce I'm making to boil down sufficiently. This weekend is the first in a while where I'm not spending the whole time getting ready for a trip away, I can catch up on reading and chores and sitting around. And, as my bosses appear not to have noticed that I have space on my calendar I plan to use the next work week and a bit to catch up on admin and rest. March is going to busy so I need to be in peak condition (Hah!)
The good thing is that any (man it's hard to see through a cat's head) travel will be for pleasure not work soon and I'll be able to cook, read, travel and write to my heart's content or just sit at the beach at unusual times and watch the tide rise and fall, or should that be ebb and flow? I can't express how much I'm looking forward to freedom day and the end to wage slavery and the transition into pension poverty.
I have to say that the prospect of not having to sit on trains with crisp munchers, drink slurpers and loud conversation holders is a very attractive one. I know I'm being intolerant but 3 or 4 hours of that sort of thing can grate on the old nerves. I'm sure people forget that there are other people around them sometimes, like the nose pickers in cars who drive along unpacking their trunk as if they were in the comfort of their own home. I will definitely pick my times, rather than my nose, to travel by rail or drive depending on my destination.
The bread is now done and the sauce is cooking down nicely, TK is purring in my ear at one minute and clambering all over me the next, I get the feeling he misses me, he's even taken to sleeping on the bed again, something he hasn't done in eons. It's true by the way that cats are not see-through, and typing through them is an impossible njapjbjv;pbv job, sorry that was TK joining in. I think njapjbjv;pbv may be cat for 'stop talking about me; I'm only here you know'.
Anyway, I'm off to stir my sauce, not a euphemism, and generally mooch around so until next time; Peace and Love, ttfn.

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