Tuesday 2 September 2014

A step forward.

I have been havering about letting anyone see the first draft of my first instalment of The Tale which has been finished for a while.
I've just been too scared to show it to anyone. Tonight I bit the bullet and sent copies to my brother who has had books and magazine articles published and to a good pal in Scotland who is a published poet. I'm working on the basis that these two chaps should know what they are talking about.
Depending upon their reactions I may be a budding writer with a brother and a good pal in Scotland or a budding writer deficient of said persons.
Of course accepting constructive criticism is the only way to improve in all areas of life but as I am a delicate flower I may sulk in my garret for a while if they get too brutal in their constructiveness.
Looking on the positive side they may think I am the next Henry James or George Orwell or conversly they may think I have the writing talents of Henry the hoover or George from Rainbow*. Either way I will know what I need to do to get my scribblings out to a wider audience so that you may all; all, what am I on about? Both, enjoy the fruits of my imagination.
Still whatever happens I will continue to write since I enjoy it and I will stick my poems on here just to annoy you if nothing else.
Speaking of poems, I seem to have the muse upon me tonight so I may sit up into the early hours scribing away and producing more McGonagallist piffle unless large sums of cash are remitted to me by dawn.
And on that note I'll be off. Peace and Love ttfn x

*George from Rainbow = a Pink hippo in a 1980's UK children's programme.


  1. Right this is my third go at trying to post a witty and pithy comment so but if this doesn't work I'm just going to sulk!

    If your target audience doesn't know who George from Rainbow is then you need another target audience in my opinion! And I'll read your stories Hally, I'm not a published anything but quite an accomplished reader and will give my honest opinion (in a caring and sensitive way!)

    1. True enough mate but I do get some readers in the US and other countries, not many but enough to explain who George is to. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
