Thursday 3 December 2015

I'm a....

...terrorist sympathiser apparently. If that means being opposed to a badly thought out campaign of bombing the bejeezus out of innocent people then that is what I am. There are better ways of  stopping the spread of extremist organisations than this.
Cut off the supply of funds, fuel and materiel for a start. Find a political consensus between those opposing such extreme groups. Put pressure on the countries funding and arming them to stop doing so. Bombing will only produce more refugees and may even drive some people into the ranks of these groups of extremists.
They hide behind religion, in my opinion, they have no religion, they are simply criminals who are only out for themselves with no concern about the cost to anyone unfortunate enough to cross their path.
Violence begets violence. I have nothing more to say on the subject.
Peace and Love x


  1. Hmmm. Don't know what the answer is. Certainly previous military interventions in the Middle East have not ended well and the complexity of the situation in Syria does note bode well for this one. Anyway, being a pacifist does not make you a terrorist sympathiser and too much mud is being slung on this issue.

    This is an interesting commentary:

  2. I agree with you Ian, but it's getting very difficult to try and get that message across, as people are buying the 'Threat of terrorism' cover for what is REALLY going on....(They all want in on the ISIS oil reserves. Turkey is buying it from them and look what happens when you get too close...)
