Friday 18 May 2018

I fear...

...that my Magnum Opus 'West Goes West' has hit the buffers. It's probably 12 months since I last looked at the latest draft and as I've been banging away at it on and off for a long, a very long, time. I need to make a serious re-evaluation of the whole project.
I like the idea and the story was going quite well but poor old Bob West has been stuck now in San Francisco for some considerable time so I think I need to go back to when I was happy with where I had put him which was just after his arrival in New York from England just after the US Civil War.
Please send positive thoughts and maybe cash, beer, rum and tobacco to encourage me on my foray into rescuing Bob from his West Coast hiatus.
In other news, please be kind to one another, help people where you can, show empathy not enmity and above all love your fellow beings.
Peace and Love xx ttfn

PS: I should also write more poetry and posts on here. xx

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