Saturday 2 April 2016

18 days...but I'm not counting.

In 18 days from today I will start my pre-retirement leave culminating in my early retirement on 29 April. From that day forward I hope to spend the rest of my days finishing The Tale, writing some more poems (maybe even learn some of the rules of writing proper poetry) and reading all the books that are piled up on my 'to read' stack. I also hope to throw in a bit of travel when finances allow. Oh, and learn Dutch.
I also hope to blog a bit more and try to chronicle the progress of The Tale as I plod on to the end. I can't promise it will be a magnum opus but I hope that if it ever gets out to a wider audience it will entertain those who read it.
By freeing myself from the daily grind I hope to be able to relax and settle down to a writing routine. The poems will continue to come when they come, each one has been produced on a whim, when something has sparked an idea which just flows rather than me sitting down with the intention of writing a poem.
So there you have it, no major plans other than a total shift of lifestyle, wish me luck.
Peace and Love. ttfn x

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