Thursday, 20 September 2012

The stiff upper lip.

The stiff upper lip famed throughout the world as a strong British trait is not all its made out to be. I know, I've tried it and its a silly idea which has probably caused more situations to get out of hand when they could have been rectified with the input of a little emotion.
As a case in point, Mrs H has gone to the USA to work. Now, at one point I resigned myself to the stiff upper lip tradition of what has to be will be and I can do nothing about it so just suffer and get on with things, you'll get over it. Utter bilge. I realised that by conforming to the stereotype and accepting the whole thing as a fait accompli I was the author of my own misery and downfall.
Had I continued on the road I was on all that lay ahead was debt and a miserable existence on my own until I finally slipped off this mortal coil still working to pay off debt and mortgage to no benefit for anyone but the money lenders.
No more! I said to myself, release yourself from this, try to save the wreckage of your marriage and move forward. So forward I moved, putting the house on the market, selling all the stuff accumulated over the years and never looked at let alone used and throwing out all the things that 'might come in handy someday'. Goodbye to pack-rattery, hello to unclutteredness.
Still having said all of that, I do feel a little bereft today as I'm not certain where we (Mrs H and I) go from here. However, I hope that Mrs H's US move is merely a temporary one and that we can sort ourselves out without the monkey of my debt on both our backs and get back to married life together wherever that may be.
It may be that the lack of a stiff upper lip has saved the day, and the marriage, or it may have no effect at all and the whole game will be up anyway, whatever happens, had I clung on to that lip it would have been a definite goodbye Mrs H. At least now there is a modicum of hope, says he as he clutches at another straw. No, really some hope is better than none at all and a little give and take can work wonders. Let that be a lesson to you young folk out there, a stiff upper lip has its place, war, disaster and desperate rescue situations at sea but not in the world of relationships.

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