Tuesday, 25 September 2012

A new approach.

Following my series of self-indulgent posts yesterday I resolved to try to move on from that mindset and improve not just my lot but that of Mrs H as well. Rather than concentrate on how all this is affecting me and my feelings I resolved to look at the whole situation through her eyes.
In order to do that I am looking to some books I downloaded onto my desktop Kindle (other e-readers are available) a while ago on Buddhism.
Last night I started reading 'Modern Buddhism:The Path of Compassion and Wisdom-Volume One Sutra' which I have found very thought provoking. I think this could be a way of helping me move on from worrying about just my happiness and concerning myself with the bigger picture. I have a feeling that this book and others on the same subject will lead me to a much better approach to life and to the lives of others. I have been very selfish over the last few years, now is the time to step out from under that particular tree and walk in the gentle rain of compassion and kindness.
It is early days of course, I have to overcome years of self-absorption and introversion which have blighted not only my life but the lives of many I have come into contact with over the years. This is merely a start, we will have to see what progress I can make in this new approach and hope that in future I can be an agent of positivity.
I also need to curb my verbosity so with that in mind, take care and TTFN.

1 comment:

  1. I've got The Dummies Guide to Buddhism and still haven't got round to reading it. Much as I'm interested in buddhism, I still think CBT is the way forward for you. Try http://getselfhelp.co.uk/ for some info.
