Saturday, 15 September 2012

Onwards, fellow beings.

Well, an estate agent has been engaged to sell the house and we are now officially de-cluttering and moving forward. Mrs H will be off to the USA later this week to set up her new job and rent an apartment over there. She will be back at the end of November to see how things are going with getting our new, smaller and less cluttered UK base set up.
The work she will be doing in the US is more secure than that which she had here plus as she still has clients to work for in the UK there will be a degree of ocean hopping going on. I, meanwhile will be holding the fort at this end keeping the home fires burning, so to speak with occasional forays to the West. We are in effect going to be a two continent family, which we think is a good way forward and, I hope will be an improvement on what went before, especially in the recent past.
In addition to the great move I will continue work at my exciting civil service job whilst blogging and writing my series of short stories which I have been attempting to start for years. I hope that the move and de-clutter will help clear my head to allow me to get the darned thing written, it's been lurking around for long enough, its time to unleash my genius on an unsuspecting public.
So there you have it, a change of direction for both of us and, I hope, a happy future together.
Wish us luck!

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