That, my friends, along with being the sound an anchor makes as it hits the water is me casting myself adrift from the wreckage and striking out for the distant shores of happiness and contentment.
There will of course be bumps along the way, if you'll excuse the mixed metaphor but I hope that with a fair wind, some determination and the support of friends and family (you know who you are) I will roll up on the sandy shore of peace and tranquillity before too many moons have passed. Mind you as a youngster I had many dreams of Sandy Shaw, that is an entirely different story however (youthful crushes, aah how wonderful they weren't).
As I write I am surrounded (by that I don't mean they are on the seat all around me, rather they are in the usual places you'd find photographs. I may be sad but I'm not obsessed) by pictures of my smiling prospective ex-wife reminding me of happier times. I haver between wishing we could recapture those days and realising that they have gone the way of all things. The best hope is that we can remain friends (I know, I know everyone says this and rarely does, we can try though) and hope that as time heals the rift we can become closer again. She and I being on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean may be both a barrier and an aid to this. As someone once said, 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' so who knows?
As time goes on I hope to be able to move forward and stop these backward, or perhaps sideways looking posts and write on more interesting subjects. Just now though as this is somewhat of a journal or diary blog I'm afraid you are likely to be regaled with more of this type of thing until I start undertaking more interesting activities.
The aim is for me to write a little each day or maybe every couple of days, describing what has gone on and hoping to amuse and thrill you all (if there is actually anyone out there reading this) with the broad range of the day to day goings-on in the world of a middle-aged gadgie (a North East English term for a gentleman of a certain age and/or outlook) from a small village in the beautiful county of Northumberland (come and visit, you'll be amazed).
Tell you what as an almost final thought, time flies (like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana) while you are enjoying yourself. I started writing this afternoon at 12.30 pm and it is now 4pm, where did the time go?
So there you have it, there's ramblings to be written and write them I shall.
TTFN/PAAA (for future reference that's TaTaForNow and PerArduaAdAstra) PerArduaAdAstra by the way is the motto of the Royal Air Force and translates roughly as Through Adversity to the Stars.
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