I'm worrying about the whole downsizing and de-cluttering process. The house sale is a real concern, I'm fearful that I'm not going to get enough to buy a decent place. I know most potential buyers are looking for a cheap purchase, which is understandable. My fear is that I will be falling short of what I need to do what has to be done.
The pressure is just building and building from all angles, work and domestic. I need to try and take a step back to gather my mental resources but it just seems there is no chance to do that and no-one to turn to.
Part of the problem is I'm still over-analysing everything. By trying to cover every angle in my head I end up going round in circles.
1. Sell the house for the maximum possible.
2. Pay off what needs to be paid.
3. Divide what's left.
4. Find somewhere new to live.
Another area of concern is the de-cluttering, it's like one of those children's puzzles where you have move the tiles to get the empty square into the top corner. Each time one item or box is moved another appears to take its place and confuse the issue.
There are 4 elements to the puzzle:
1. Stuff to be thrown out.
2. Stuff to be self-stored for evaluation later
3. Stuff to be sold
4. Stuff to go into storage for the new place.
I'm not sure where to go because step one is obscured by steps 2-4.
Not to mention the future of the poor kitties!
I give up. My brain hurts and I wish I could just walk away from the whole thing.
Sorry for the miserable rant but this is the best outlet I have. Feel free to ignore all of the above. I just needed to get it out of my system.
Back to work now.
Give me a shout if you need any advice on selling stuff. I'm quite experienced at that sort of thing.