Friday, 21 September 2012

Friday morning

It's a chilly September Friday morning and I have the day off to go to the eye hospital to have a check on the pressure in the eyes which is apparently slightly high. Now as I suffer from high blood pressure you would think that'd be the reason and accept it but I have to go so go I shall.
I'm sitting surrounded by cats as I write this girding my loins for the great de-clutter commencing tomorrow. I think it'll be a busy day back and forth to the tip but I think also that it will be worth it. As the clutter goes down so should my mood improve. Two of the greatest causes of stress and unhappiness in my life have been debt and clutter, they have caused my mood to be low and have affected how I interact with others making me at times snappy and short tempered or silent and uncommunicative. Neither of these states are conducive to happy, thriving relationships. With luck the removal of clutter and debt will lift a weight that has been dragging me down for as long as I can remember allowing a little sunshine in. We live in hope.
I am trying not to think of Mrs H in the US because I am trying to be positive and get the house sorted out. It is hard to put the whole situation to the back of my mind because all my over-analysing kicks in and I find myself going over and over in my head all the possible scenarios from her coming home soon to never seeing her again. This makes concentration difficult as I find myself drifting off and thinking instead of getting on with the job at hand, having said that, I have always had that problem. It has held me back in so many ways over the years.
There is nothing wrong with thinking and planning to evaluate how what you do may affect your and others lives, the problem comes at the two extremes when actions are taken without thought for the consequences or no action is taken because all the possible options, and some impossible ones as well are gone over and over until it is too late. Like much in life, there is a lot to be said for moderation. Don't rush in but equally don't sit around and do nothing. That way sadness lies.
Right off to make some more coffee, buy an e-book on over-analytical thinking and do some research for my Grand Opus.

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