I've spent three enjoyable days in the Venice of the North, Edinburgh to us mere mortals on a work trip trying to establish what I need to write in my next training manual. Now you might think that enjoyable and work do not necessarily go hand in hand like the proverbial horse and carriage but at present they do. That of course may change, but take it while you can.
The hotel we stayed in was very nice, The Roxburghe, just by Charlotte Square since you ask and we discovered a smashing Mexican restaurant and a rather neat Italian not far away so all in all that worked out well.
I also managed to finally go into the famous Oxford Bar and also the not famous Cambridge bar which is just along the street. Both of which had their points but you'll never get me beyond Tiles Bar, I'm easily pleased though.
Now, as an international jet-setter I am travelling to the former second city of the Empire to deliver some training next week and to reacquaint myself with the State Bar and an old pal from Southend. Should be fun.
Changing the subject entirely it will be early mornings tomorrow and Sunday as with a combination of downsizing from my current home, my wife moving to the US for work at the end of the month and a general de-clutter of the combined accretions of life there are car boot sales to be attended so that we can clear out the house and garage of a great deal of clutter. I think an antique/bric-a-brac dealer needs to be found as well. There is a lot of stuff to shift and not much time to shift it.
On that note, I'll say TTFN and PAAA.
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