Tuesday, 11 June 2013


I'm sitting here at home with two sleeping kitties next to me wondering what to do.
I have at least a dozen, probably a score of books to read sitting in my 'unread books' bookcase, The Story has stalled so I could try to give it a shove in the right direction, I'm doing a role play at a work training course tomorrow which I ought to remind myself about, I have the script for another one which I need to learn before next Wednesday and a pile of programmes stored on Sky+ which have to be watched. The trouble is I want to do all these things at once which even for the most accomplished multi-tasker would be a bit of a challenge so I have ended up writing on here instead.
I must say that at the moment I am feeling relatively happy, although I have plantar fasciitis in my foot which is giving me a lot of pain and has stalled my gym attendances. This in turn has made my assault on snake-hipped lotharioness a bit more difficult. As I said the other day, I lapsed somewhat over the weekend so I really do need to get my butt in gear and attack the North Face of my lardiness head on.
No alcohol during the week, only a limited amount at the weekend, no snacks other than fruit, keep away from pies, pastries, crisps, ice cream and sweeties and eat a lot more chicken and fish with rice or salad instead of chips or taties should see me heading in the right direction.
I need to lose at least 3 stone by April and would like to be able to fit into some of my 36 inch (or less if possible) waist trousers before then most of which I haven't been able to get into for a long time. This is my aim. Lose the weight and keep it off. Get back to the gym as soon as possible without aggravating my foot and release that snake-hipped lothario which lurks inside this portly old gadgie.
Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest I'll say what I was going to say at the start of the paragraph before last. I am relatively happy just now but I can feel myself hovering on the edge. I spend a lot of time on my own and most of the time I feel quite comfortable with that. Just lately though I have been feeling twinges of that old lonely feeling, even in company which predicts a downward spiral in my mood. I must avoid this. What to do? I don't know yet, I fear that if I try to be too sociable I will come across as needy or pushy but if I don't get out into the social stream I will fall back into that hole I was in after Madame left. That is a place I don't want to go back to.
At least I have a fair bit of travel for work and one leisure trip over the next month or so which will help alleviate the potential black dog arrival and with luck will help me get over myself and become the wacky funster I strive to be. Perhaps that's part of the problem, I should just be myself and not strive to be anything. Someone once said I was the coolest person they knew (Lord knows why) and I wasn't striving then so no more striving and let whatever will be, be.

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