Sunday, 9 June 2013

Bit of a blip...

..on the old weight loss programme since I went out and had way more beer than I should have yesterday then proceeded to eat my own weight in pizza as I was 'hungry'. It wasn't hunger at all, it was the beer talking and that is where my weight problem lies. It isn't just the fact that I'll go out and drink too much, it's that when I come back in I commence eating the contents of the fridge.
Still, all is not lost, all I have to do is keep off the beer and if I do have a drink, be disciplined enough to realise that I'm not really hungry and stay away from the food storage areas of the house, or if I'm out in town, Burger King (other burger outlets are available). I'm starting again today and will not have a drink until Wednesday, assuming I meet up with my pal in Belfast. If not, it will be next Saturday at the earliest and I will make sure that I am disciplined with myself and keep the whole thing down to a dull roar.
I will be a snake-hipped lothario by next April! TTFN.

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