Saturday, 15 June 2013

The only trouble..

...with getting up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday is that by midday everything that needs to be done is finished leaving the afternoon to be filled. By 9.30 this morning I'd done my shopping at the supermarket, the butcher, the baker and the post office (the candlestick maker was closed), been to the barbers to have my head dusted, down to the wood this time as its summer and hoovered around downstairs (the house that is, in case your mind had wandered into naughty territory).
All that is left to do now is drink beer and read books. What a dreadful situation to find oneself in. I think I'll have to put some washing on just to feel productive.
I wish my foot would get better, I'm still loath to go to the gym in case I make it worse but the lack of exercise is really stymieing my push towards snake-hippery. I'll give it one more week then go back to the gym and try to do stuff that doesn't involve feet, I'll ask the advice of the coaches down there as to what are the best exercises to do that won't aggravate it.
Anyway, confirmed on the Skype call that Madame will be visiting next week so that will be interesting. Hope it goes well, we'll see I suppose.
Aside from all that I just had the best piece of smoked cod done in milk that I've had in many a year with a couple of slices of fresh brown bread. Healthy and tasty, what more can a chap want? Haggis, taties and neeps tomorrow, chicken with rice Monday and chicken pasta Tuesday. Scrumptious. Anyone would think I was organised.
So now I will put the washing away or up to dry, read a bit and have a couple of beers before an early night seeing as I haven't bothered with my snooze having done some more washing and talked to Madame. I'll need the early night as I will probably be woken at the crack of dawn by Thomas kitty who will be clamouring for his medicine. That may sound strange but he gets his meds in gourmet tuna cat food so clamour he does, spoiled ? Nah.
Right, thats the washing hung up to dry and the dry stuff put away; time to hit the Heineken. TTFN

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