Wednesday, 25 July 2012

More Scones

I'm working at home again and need a break from reviewers comments so I've decided to talk about scones for a while.
It's a little known fact that I like scones, I would even go so far as to say that I love scones, not in any sexual way and I certainly wouldn't marry a scone but more in a filial way, as a son loves his mother. I have to stress here that I would never have contemplated eating my mother during her lifetime, or indeed after her death, I'm just using that as an example of how my love for scones can be construed.
I digress, as you may now understand, I love scones. The sheer variety stuns me, sweet and savoury, toppings galore, my diet could exist completely of scones and I would not complain. I might need the occasional mince and taties supplement but that is for another day, suffice to say I could live off scones and be content with my dietary lot.
Ah, but you'd get fat you cry, too late for that is my answer. In order to maintain this fine figure you see before you my intake of scones needs to be kept at a decent level. I often think that my scone consumption is insufficient for said maintenance and that I need to up my intake. Time will tell no doubt.
All this talk of scones is making me hungry so I think it is time to tootle off and see what is in the pantry for a snack. I have a strange feeling that scones may figure largely in this snack hunt.
TTFN. Support the Scone Liberation Front!

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