Monday, 30 July 2012

Here's a thought

Oscar Wilde once said 'if there is one thing worse than being talked about, it is not being talked about'. On a slight tangent from that I do not like being ignored. It is rude and often unkind to ignore someone who is trying to communicate.
Even if you don't like a person there has to be a modicum of politeness and consequently a reply to a perfectly reasonable question or statement.
It doesn't hurt to be polite, or kind for that matter. Nothing can be gained in the long run from ignorance or unkindness, all that produces is discord and unhappiness which could be avoided by a simple kind word.
Sometimes it is difficult with some of the haters on Twitter and suchlike to be able to think of a kind word but maybe a simple reply on the lines of 'Thank you for your opinion, I disagree with you and I'd be grateful if you would desist with your unkindness, goodbye'. You can then block them.
I still would like to think that a measured and thoughtful response will maybe make the haters think twice. Perhaps not, but if one person stops because of a kind word then we will have succeeded.
Time for me to return to cloud-cuckoo land where kindness and politeness are the rule rather than the exception.

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