Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Another load of waffle

Waffle coming up, well it keeps my mind active and takes it off other things, sort of.
Having gone into my love of scones earlier I thought I would witter on for a little while about nothing in particular.
I'll be glad when payday comes, I'll be able to go and do some shopping, have a beer or two and get some real live company rather than the virtual kind. Not that I'm understating the value of the virtual on-line support I've had lately from friends on Twitter and to an extent Facebook but nothing can replace a real live human. I need to start rebuilding the friendships I have neglected over the last few years and making some new ones. I think it might be difficult but it will have to be done if I don't want to end up a lonely old man.
I will have to overcome my reticence and open up to new opportunities. But first I'll have to come to terms with the loss which looks likely to occur in the next few weeks and months. I will need the support of friends during this period and hope it will be there. If not I will have to be strong and deal with it all on my own. I've done it before and I suppose I can do it again, much as I wish I didn't have to.
Its time to stop feeling like an outsider and hope to become part of society again, with or without you know who.
That's all for now, I'm starting to become self absorbed so I'll stop.
Maybe tomorrow I'll give you an insight into my liking for mince and taties in all its various forms.

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