Thursday, 25 April 2013


I'm on my way to Edinburgh for a two day work meeting and to catch up with an old pal for a curry and a beer or two (well, probably more that two if I'm honest).
This is the beginning of a series of trips over the next couple of months which will mean that I'm away as much as I'm at home but I quite like travelling so it isn't a chore by any means.
The Brother is looking after the kitties whilst I'm away so they'll be fine, all I have to do is avoid too much unhealthy food and not drink too much. My new weight loss and fitness programme started on Tuesday so I hope that in a few months I will no longer be a lard-arse and will be the racing snake hipped lothario I always saw myself as in my dreams. In my dreams indeed. We shall see.
I do think that I need to find a theme for this blog, my random burblings are all very well but what I'm writing is hardly the most entertaining of stuff so I will have to have a think and see if I can come up with more entertaining subject matter in the future.
Until then, ttfn.


  1. You don't need a theme. It's fine the way it is. I enjoy your ramblings, well-written as they are.

  2. You are very kind Gus, let the rambling continue.
