Sunday, 21 April 2013

Another Sunday...

....hoves into view and once again I find myself cogitating upon life, the universe and everything. I seem to live life on the edge, not in the sense of taking on death defying stunts but rather on the periphery of the lives of those around me. I haver over whether this is a good or a bad thing, on some occasions I think it's not so bad in that I can keep my own counsel and stay out of the political, religious or sporting arguments that inevitably arise in the places I frequent. On the other hand I sometimes feel a sense of crushing loneliness which lies like a huge, heavy blanket over me. On yet other occasions I feel a great sense of lightness, a feeling that I can do anything I want and don't have to think about pleasing anyone else.  This often segues into a feeling of emptiness that comes with the realisation that I have no-one special to share my life with. Complicated? I certainly think so.
So, to recap. I am happy and sad, content with being alone and lonely. Make of that what you will.
On a lighter note, yesterday The Brother and I planted some vegetable plants and made the first cut of the grass in the garden out back. We will be putting in some vegetable seeds in a week or so once the weather has warmed up a bit more so I hope we can look forward to some fresh home-grown produce in the not too distant future. There is nothing finer than a meal which includes vegetables you have planted and nurtured yourself.
Anyway, now that I have gotten all that off my chest I'm off to read the Sunday paper before emptying another couple of boxes. I'm not rushing the box emptying since slow but steady is always a good approach with such things as this. I'll get there eventually.

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