Sunday, 28 April 2013

Contact lenses.

I had a try-out of some soft contact lenses yesterday. I've been thinking for ages about whether to get them or not so I decided to go for a free trial. I had gas permeable ones many years ago but could not get away with them. Now there are soft ones which are said to correct astigmatism which they apparently couldn't do before.
I tried a variety of options and although they were all very comfortable none of them gave me the level of eyesight that I achieve with glasses. They all had an element of either blurred vision or a feeling that I was cross-eyed which made me feel uncomfortable, especially with the thought of driving with them in.
The upshot is that I've decided against contacts and have gone for a pair of rimless glasses which are very light and comfortable and should maintain the level of sight correction I'm comfortable with alongside the added advantage of not having to mess about taking them out every night. It is much easier to fall into bed and stick my glasses on the night-stand than it is to poke around in my eyes for however long it takes to get the darned lenses out.
So that's it, I remain a wearer of glasses and am happy with that.

Friday, 26 April 2013

I'm back....

...from Edinburgh after a productive and enjoyable couple of days capped off by meeting a lovely young lady on the (much delayed) train home. She was on her way to Leicester from Aberdeen to take an exam tomorrow and we got talking about how she would not get to the place she was staying until really late and how she was concerned about the test.
She was young enough to be my daughter and although I am aiming to be a snake-hipped lothario by this time next year I only felt fatherly, or maybe avuncular feelings towards her. At least I managed to make her laugh and maybe took her mind off her concerns for a little while. I hope she reached her destination safely and does well in her exam as she was a lovely young lady and it would be a shame if she didn't achieve what she has set out to do, especially after such a long trip.
The kitties were fine whilst I was away, but I wouldn't like to leave them for anything longer than one night without someone coming in to see they are ok which The Brother has kindly volunteered to do.
Tomorrow I'm going to get my contact lense trial started to see if I can cope with soft ones. I hope it all works out.
Off for another rum and coke and a watch of the tv before bed.

Thursday, 25 April 2013


I'm on my way to Edinburgh for a two day work meeting and to catch up with an old pal for a curry and a beer or two (well, probably more that two if I'm honest).
This is the beginning of a series of trips over the next couple of months which will mean that I'm away as much as I'm at home but I quite like travelling so it isn't a chore by any means.
The Brother is looking after the kitties whilst I'm away so they'll be fine, all I have to do is avoid too much unhealthy food and not drink too much. My new weight loss and fitness programme started on Tuesday so I hope that in a few months I will no longer be a lard-arse and will be the racing snake hipped lothario I always saw myself as in my dreams. In my dreams indeed. We shall see.
I do think that I need to find a theme for this blog, my random burblings are all very well but what I'm writing is hardly the most entertaining of stuff so I will have to have a think and see if I can come up with more entertaining subject matter in the future.
Until then, ttfn.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Another Sunday...

....hoves into view and once again I find myself cogitating upon life, the universe and everything. I seem to live life on the edge, not in the sense of taking on death defying stunts but rather on the periphery of the lives of those around me. I haver over whether this is a good or a bad thing, on some occasions I think it's not so bad in that I can keep my own counsel and stay out of the political, religious or sporting arguments that inevitably arise in the places I frequent. On the other hand I sometimes feel a sense of crushing loneliness which lies like a huge, heavy blanket over me. On yet other occasions I feel a great sense of lightness, a feeling that I can do anything I want and don't have to think about pleasing anyone else.  This often segues into a feeling of emptiness that comes with the realisation that I have no-one special to share my life with. Complicated? I certainly think so.
So, to recap. I am happy and sad, content with being alone and lonely. Make of that what you will.
On a lighter note, yesterday The Brother and I planted some vegetable plants and made the first cut of the grass in the garden out back. We will be putting in some vegetable seeds in a week or so once the weather has warmed up a bit more so I hope we can look forward to some fresh home-grown produce in the not too distant future. There is nothing finer than a meal which includes vegetables you have planted and nurtured yourself.
Anyway, now that I have gotten all that off my chest I'm off to read the Sunday paper before emptying another couple of boxes. I'm not rushing the box emptying since slow but steady is always a good approach with such things as this. I'll get there eventually.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Sunday 14 April 2013

Well, I'm once again ridiculously early for an appointment; this time for an eye test in Morpeth so I thought I would have a coffee in Central Bean and catch up with my blog which I have been disgracefully remiss in keeping up lately.
I have finally moved into the new home in Noth Broomhill just outside Amble in the wonderful county of Northumberland. The sitting room is now fully functional with the 'phone, broadband and tv services all set up. The kitties are comfortably ensconced on the settee and I squeeze in where I can.
The kitchen and bedroom are workable but there are still loads of boxes yet to be opened. I never realised how much stuff I had accumulated over the years, which when added to Madame's stuff equates to way more than any one person needs.
It is good to be back in a place of my own again, to feel comfortable with coming and going as I please and only beholden to the kitties. I am extremely grateful to The Brother for putting me up but I think we are all much happier now that I've moved out.
There is still some gear in storage, mainly belonging to Madame and the gardening stuff. Speaking of gardening stuff, I am awaiting my new shed which should arrive at the end of April when I will move into full gardening mode and start planting vegetables. I may kick off next week with some onions and maybe some leeks but we'll need to see how the weather goes, at least it seems to be warming up, let's hope it stays that way.
My annual visit to the fat clinic has prompted me to lose some weight, about 3 stones if I'm honest, and so I'm going to start going to the gym. There is one in Amble and one in Alnwick. The Amble one is closer but may be more expensive, I'll have too see next week when their websites come back up and start going sooner rather than later. No more procrastination, I must start to do things as I decide and after proper consideration but no more 'oh I'll do it tomorrow' because tomorrow never comes. That is why I had such a faff moving since I hadn't gotten rid of stuff when I should.
Anyway, now that I'm back in writing mode I'll be annoying you all more regularly and will get Bob out of his limbo in The Story.
OK, off now, ttfn.