Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Groundhog Day

My life is currently in something of a rut. Every day the same old, same old. Bed at 1am or so, up mid-morning, looking at the computer until my eyes bleed and waiting for other people to fulfil their promises. I've had enough. The time has come for me to step out of the gloom I have allowed myself to be enveloped by and find some light in my life.
I'm going to spend less time looking at social media since all I seem to see, with some notable exceptions is hatred and unkindness. People making comments to others they barely know, if at all, which they wouldn't have the courage to say to the face of their target. From now on anyone showing aggression or intolerance will be blocked. I'm all for sensible and reasoned discourse and people will disagree, there's nothing wrong in that. There's a difference between argument and ad hominem attacks and downright abuse. It makes me sad to see so many people who seem to live their lives in a perpetual state of anger spewing hatred at all in their path.
It's time for me to start writing again. A new tale which I'm not sure about the subject of yet but I'm certain some inspiration will come soon. If not I'll revisit some of the old stuff and try to breathe new life into it.
More poetry as well. I'll try to come up with a better standard than previously though if the words come unbidden I'll write them down verbatim whether they scan or not since they obviously want to be expressed.
Get out more, just because I'm currently in a state of impecuniousness doesn't mean that I can't go for a stroll and take in the world around me.
I'm being naive but all I ask is for people to be kind and empathetic, to understand that we are all different and encourage one another rather than try to beat others down or use them to further their own ends. I hope that's not too much to ask.
So with that, I'll be off. Peace and Love, ttfn. xx

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