Friday, 26 July 2013

It's still Warmsville man...

Another day of lovely warmth and sunshine. The trouble is a chap could get used to this and it's going to be difficult when the inevitable happens and we return to the cold and damp of Winter.
With that in mind I'm planning to take a trip in November to somewhere warm, probably San Francisco if I can get my lazy butt in gear. This will be the first proper break I've had since I don't know when because all of my holidays have been taken up this year with moving house and getting rid of junk from the old place before I moved out and into my new abode.
The warm sunny weather is certainly a mood lifter and although I do still hanker occasionally for Madame to come home I am certainly nearer to coming to terms with moving on without her. When I think about her now it is with an ambivalent attitude, I liked her company but she wasn't the easiest person to live with at times. Nor was I mind you but we seemed less and less able to compromise over the last couple of years of our marriage and I still think that going to Relate was a bad move in that I felt the counsellor was partial towards Madame and seemed not to be as disinterested as she should have been.
That of course is all in the past now and I am currently trying to make a new life for myself either alone or with a new partner depending upon what fate decides my future should hold.
I am also going to make a concerted effort over the next few weekends to go to the storage unit each Sunday and clear out at least two boxes per trip and bring to the shed any residual gardening gear that is still down there. I must get into a position soon that means I can store what remains here and relinquish the unit which is costing money I shouldn't need to spend.
I am going to go back to the gym from Sunday, bad foot or not so that I can kick-start my weight loss programme which has stalled badly over the last couple of months. I need to lose three or four stones by next April and sitting on my rear drinking beer won't allow that to happen. My mid-year resolution, less beer, more exercise and 13 stone by April.
So on that note I will stop and have a cool drink (not beer).

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