Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Well, here we are.

2013 is upon us and a Happy New Year to anyone I haven't already wished one to.
I am having a traditional New Year's Day breakfast of a cup of coffee and a slice of Christmas cake. I had planned a stroll down to the Wellwood pub this morning to view the wrecks from last night but I really can't be bothered to get changed and go out. It is a lovely sunny morning but even so I think a quiet day 'entertaining' my avid readers, writing a bit of The Story and reading Geoffrey Eugenides' The Marriage Plot will do.
It's also time to start getting the over-indulgence out of my system and start on the slow process of losing some weight and getting some blood into my alcohol stream.
This month I have a lot of travel to Scotland, both Edinburgh and Glasgow will benefit from my presence as I have courses to deliver in both of those fine cities. I will have to refrain from my usual practise of drinking too much and eating nothing but Indian food while I'm there and also stay out of bookshops until I've finished reading the two  books I bought yesterday which I shouldn't have bought. Can one be a bookaholic? Because if so, that's what I am. Still it is better than my previous vice which got me where I am today.
Anyway enough of looking backwards, it's a new year and the only thing to do is resolve to be kind, thoughtful and productive and to leave my self-destruct tendencies in the dustbin of history.
So my priorities for the first quarter of 2013 are to get the house sale completed, find a new place to live, decide whether to rent or buy and get my finances in order. I'm torn between renting and buying, I have at present no-one to leave anything to when I slip off this mortal coil so I may as well rent and have some savings behind me for eventualities rather than pour it all into a property which as I say will only go to the State or some charity or other when my time comes. If in the next year or so I do end up back in a relationship (with whom is another question which I am leaving to the fates to decide) that may change and I can then review my approach but unless and until that happens I think renting will give me a bit of breathing space to evaluate my direction in life.
Still, enough of this philosophising, it's time to sort out some washing and maybe see if I can get poor old Bob out of Cleveland OH and into the Wild West. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a year of considerable change ahead of you my friend. As for vices its time to go into battle against the ones I've been saddled with. It will be a long and difficult struggle no doubt but with those 2 seasoned soldiers will and determination by my side I hope to be successful. I only hope they both don't fall as soon as war begins. Have a happy health and successful 2013
