Are we having the wettest period since Noah set up his Ark? It's been raining since before I can remember, everywhere is sodden and there doesn't appear to any let up.
Or does it just seem like that? I'm sure there have been dry periods, in fact thinking about it I was off work two weeks ago and it was dry the whole week along with the fact most of the weekends The Brother has been around to help with the packing have been dry as well.
Perhaps its just my perception that it has been raining non-stop for months, because in reality there have been loads of dry days as evidenced by the fact that The Brother and I have been able to work outside and view houses whilst staying dry.
Perception is a strange thing, what one person sees as a slight another sees just as an innocent motiveless action. Here's an example. Since Madame and I announced that we were divorced my ex Sister-in Law has changed her profile picture on Facebook to show her and her husband in a loving pose. Now is that a dig at Madame? Is she saying, look I'm still happily married and you're not? Or is it her reaffirming to herself and the rest of Facebook that she is OK and there's nothing to worry about with her relationship? To put people's minds at rest so to speak. I don't know, my first reaction when I saw it was that it was a dig at Madame, then I thought it was a dig at me, but I'm not high on her list of priorities and never have been so that is a non-starter, it was more likely the former. I doubt that is the case, but as you can see just in those few lines I've managed to make what could be an innocuous change of a Facebook profile picture into a major incident or not depending on how you approach it. Isn't life complicated?
Again, on the perception front, despite all my optimism about how despite the fact that we are now divorced, Madame and I will remain friends and maybe get back together sometime I still have a doubt in my mind that despite all the fine words (which butter no parsnips by the way) when she comes over next week she will come with the message that it is completely done with and she is seeing someone else or isn't and will be living the single life and is happier alone. Maybe she has just been saying that we can remain friends and see what transpires for my benefit, just to keep me quiet or she is entirely genuine and that is what she intends to do. Who knows?
It is best just to go with the flow and try not to over analyse the whole thing. If our situation was put to ten people you would get ten differing opinions depending upon the perception each person has of the people involved, Madame and me, and of the situation itself.
You can read much into small things or just let them pass and get on with it depending upon how you perceive the intentions behind them. You can't second guess motives any more than you can read someone's mind so perhaps it is best to look on the positive side and try to not read ulterior motives into the things people do and live for the day and try not to second guess what the future might bring.
As Horace puts it:
"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"
(Which according to Wikipedia translates as – Seize the Day, putting as little trust as possible in the future.)
and as I would like to say:
Ne coneris praedicere alii motivis - Don't try to predict others motives.
That's enough Latin for now.
Per Ardua Ad Astra (oops, more Latin, wish I'd learned it at school)
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