I was going to take some paperwork for the sale of the house to the solicitor today until I realised that I had only filled out half the required information and didn't have what I needed to hand so I'll have find it and go another day. If I had brains I'd be dangerous. So having left the office early to do that I will now have to make up the time and still have to go to the solicitor. Numpty.
That was this morning, now I'm just sitting annoying whoever reads this with some idle ramblings whilst fuming slightly at another derisory pre-auction offer on the house. I'm not sure what people think the reserve price means but it certainly doesn't mean we'll accept an offer below it before the auction. I'll be glad when the whole process is over and we can get back to what passes for normal in my little world. Your life is not your own at a time like this, there is always someone wanting something, so roll on completion day.
I only hope that we can raise the required amount to be free of the mortgage which is always a ball and chain.
Anyway, I hope that the tenor of these posts might become a little more upbeat once we are all sorted and can move forward. My trouble is that as a pessimistic, over-analytical worrier I will live in fear of disaster until the house is sold, the money transferred and a new place bought and occupied. Even then I'm sure I'll find a whole new range of things to worry about unless Paul McGee's book, 'How not to worry' works.
Talking of books, I'm really looking forward to starting on Elmore Leonard's Western Stories but I must be patient. Finish Mr McGee first then attack Umberto Eco with Elmore as a reward for finishing 'Baudolino'; I just can't get into it, which is odd since I really enjoyed 'Name of the Rose' and 'Foucault's Pendulum'.
There is also the little matter of The Story to be addressed, I've stalled a bit with it so I need to set some time aside for a charge at that as well.
I must also not forget that there's de-cluttering to be continued as time's a passin'. Saturday must be paper sorting and burning day with the assault on the North face of the spare bedroom taking place on Sunday.
It's all go but there is still a gap in my life which I doubt will be filled again any time soon. I really have to get past that and live my own life for now. I can't influence what is going on over the pond so I need to let it lie and accept that what has to be will be as my dear Mum used to say, may she rest in peace.
That's enough from me for the time being, TTFN.
I must also not forget that there's de-cluttering to be continued as time's a passin'. Saturday must be paper sorting and burning day with the assault on the North face of the spare bedroom taking place on Sunday.
It's all go but there is still a gap in my life which I doubt will be filled again any time soon. I really have to get past that and live my own life for now. I can't influence what is going on over the pond so I need to let it lie and accept that what has to be will be as my dear Mum used to say, may she rest in peace.
That's enough from me for the time being, TTFN.
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