Had some interesting interactions with my local MP over the last couple of days. Suffice to say I'm sure he thinks I'm some sort of lefty nutter, he's not far wrong if he does so I mustn't complain.
Anyway, didn't do any of the gardening or hedge clearing planned but did take the glass to the recycling point so at least something was done at Hall Towers this weekend.
Watched England win in the Six Nations away to France whilst in the TV lounge or the North sitting room whichever you wish to call it and had a particularly splendid banquet afterwards consisting of chicken, Mexican rice and ratatouille (type thing) washed down with copious amounts of red wine. Very nice it was too, even though I had to cook it myself as the Chef still hasn't turned up and Mrs H was otherwise engaged.
I will now be retiring to the library to read before retiring to the South Boudoir.
About time that south boudoir saw some use.