It's been close on a twelvemonth since I last fired up the old blog so I thought it was high time to write something. I've written a few poems which I've put out on Niume but I've made few comments on what's going on in the world because I've been fearful of saying something which would release tirades of abuse from anyone who happens upon my ramblings and disagrees with me.
The reason for my reluctance is that it seems in the last year or so the art of reasoned argument has taken a back seat to be replaced by ad hominem attacks by those who oppose a given point of view and I can't be arsed with all the aggravation.
Therefore this little piece is just to let anyone who is interested know that I'm still alive unlike my poor old cat Thomas who passed away, and to report that:
1. As some of you may know, I took early retirement from work in April '16,
2. My travelling days are over for now,
3. My poetic muse has apparently gone on an extended break,
4. The Tale is still sitting on the stocks waiting for my inspiration to be jogged and
5. I spend much time watching the grass grow in the back yard hoping that points 2-4 above will change in the not too distant future.
So until next time the urge to say hello comes round I'll say ttfn.
Peace and Love x