Having been born, something none of us has any control over life seems to hinge on a series of pivot points (or forks in the road if you want to look at it that way). At these points decisions are made either by or for us which send each of us into situations which need to be enjoyed or endured until the next pivot is reached.
Looking back over the last 56 years I have identified a number of times where life has moved me onto a route down which I've sauntered, trudged, danced or struggled.
1. Failing my 11+ (look it up)
2. Going straight into work and not to uni.
3. Moving to Southend
4. Meeting and marrying wife number 1
5. Divorce from said spouse
6. Returning to the North East
7. Moving back to my home village
8. Meeting and marrying wife number 2
9. Divorce from wife number 2
10. Leaving my home village and moving to my current location.
So there you have it, 10 main events off the top of my head which have lead me to the point I'm at now. Had any one of these events not happened or had happened differently I'd probably not be sitting where I am now writing this.
Isn't life a funny thing? Peace and Love, ttfn. x