Thursday, 31 July 2014


I have something of a wanderlust on me at the moment.
You'd think it would be enough that over the next few months I have trips coming up for both work and pleasure, not that work isn't pleasure since I love being a trainer but it's still work. Anyway, I digress, even though I travel a lot and have trips planned through to next April I still wish I could travel more. I wonder all the time about where to go and what to do when I get there.
I travel in my mind, through books, Google Maps, strange foreign web sites (no, not THAT sort of strange foreign website, you tinkers), magazines and newspapers wondering about the lives people lead in other countries, not even other countries, other parts of this country exercise my imagination as well.
I hope, all things being equal to be able to afford to travel even more once, if, I'm able to retire and am still fit enough to wander the streets of cities, familiar and unfamiliar, explore coastlines and countryside and all the time write down what I've seen and done for the edification and entertainment of both myself and anyone else who cares to read my ramblings.
I adore travel, meeting new people, making new friends and reacquainting myself with old ones. Travel broadens the mind so it is said and I've been fortunate over the last few years to have been able, thanks in no small part to a certain ex-wife of mine to travel to places I would never have otherwise visited and met people I would never have met which has indeed broadened said mind.
I always loved the idea of travel, I remember as a small boy when my Uncle went to Europe on holiday, we always holidayed at home, or talked about his time in Canada as a trainee pilot during the Second World War thinking that I would love to go to the places he talked about. He gave me a map of Canada and I travelled through that great country in my imagination many times and always wished I could go there. I did eventually get there some 40-odd years later and was not disappointed.
There was a point to all this which I seem to have lost somewhere along the way but never mind, suffice to say that I love travel and hope to be able to continue. And on that note I will close and say ttfn.
Peace and Love. x

Do cats Burp?

Just a thought.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

It has been a long time.

I haven't written anything on here for ages as I've run out of things to say.
The old mood has been up and down like a thing that goes up and down a lot, from feeling happy and content one day to feeling completely lost the next; but on balance I suppose I have been OK.
Still, I suppose that isn't of any interest to anyone who reads this drivel so apart from reporting that I was in Essex yesterday visiting some old friends, which was fun, and that I've booked a trio of trips for later this year and early next I have nothing to say.
So, in conclusion, I have been a boring old man sitting at home, in the club or on a train to go and deliver another training course.
On that scintillating note this is Mr Boring saying ttfn.

Peace and Love x