Friday, 28 February 2014

I'm sick....

..of the shit people give one another on social media. People need to grow up and start being kind. Idiots.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Here's another one

Alone in a bar

Alone in a bar
Surrounded by people
Shouting and laughing they are
But me?
I’m alone in a bar

I'm not sure if these are any good but I enjoy writing and sharing them. If anyone likes them that's great, if not well I'll try to improve or if you still think they're tripe you can stop reading them.

Monday, 24 February 2014

I bought a book

I bought a book

I bought a book last week
Writing poetry it was called
So I thought I would write a poem
About a book I bought
Called writing poetry
Here it is
The poem
About a book I bought
Last week

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

18/2/14 N. Broomhill 17:23

My poetry writing book came today. I hope it helps me because I really do want to write some poems as well as getting on with The Story.
I love writing, be it on here or in my journal or anywhere really.
Putting words into some semblance of order for my own or, if anyone ever reads my scribblings, other's pleasure.
It is very cathartic, putting my thoughts down on paper. It makes room for more thoughts which for good or ill is what I do. I think.
Peace and Love x. ttfn

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Those last 2 posts.

The last two posts were attempts at poetry, the gap between the penultimate and last lines was inadvertent but I like it. I will try more later, it may encourage me to get on with The Story or I may become a poet. Who knows?
Love and Peace. x ttfn


Greed is good
Get one up on the other guy
Mock the less fortunate
And take
Some more
No way!
Greed is good


A Poem (of sorts)

They call it the black dog
This depression of mine
It’s a pit with no light
This depression of mine
It makes me scared
This depression of mine
It makes me fear happiness
This depression of mine
I wish it would go

This depression of mine

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

I despair...

....sometimes of the people who jump on bandwagons and immediately start abusing those worse off than themselves. Twitter is a prime example of a medium which allows that type of person to spout bile and abuse, often anonymously, at others who don't fit their 'ideal' such LGBT people, benefits claimants, the sick or disabled. They wish them dead or to contract horrible diseases so that they can feel superior or somehow 'better' than their targets.
Also, those who attack women, verbally or physically need to take a good look at themselves as they are not fit to tie the shoelaces of those they set upon.
There is nothing wrong with being LGB or T, or claiming those benefits to which people are entitled to help them back on their feet, I prefer the term Social Security as this implies a safety net whereas benefits or welfare implies some sort of handout. Most people on social security have paid into the system which is designed to make such payments, many are working and are being paid such poor wages that they need support just to keep their heads above water.
The sick and disabled don't want to be ill or less mobile than others, many live full and rewarding lives despite their conditions and probably make a better contribution to society that some of these so called 'normal' people who deride them or worse wish them ill.
I will never understand the mind-set of those who do such things, attacking gay people in the street or abusing someone in a wheelchair is not big or clever, it doesn't make the attackers, they usually are too cowardly to act alone, better than the person who has been set upon. It is the attackers who are scum, not the victims.
No-one has the right to wish illness, misfortune or death on another person, nor to look down on someone who appears to them to be less fortunate than themselves.
We are all entitled to dignity and respect regardless of our physical appearance, mental condition, race, religion or sex, so please think before you look down or condemn someone, don't assume you know why they are as they are and most of all try to be good and kind.
Sorry if this seems a bit disjointed but it came to me all in a rush and that is how I've written it down, as a stream of conciousness rather than a lucid argument.
Anyway, Peace and Love. x ttfn

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Another Sunday

I was going to stay in last night but went out and had an interesting evening. That makes a pleasant change, I must say. I also made myself a lovely meal of slow cooked brisket in a mushroom, onion and pepper sauce with a few carrots chucked in for good measure.
Today is a stay in day, Sunday and Monday are now my dry days, no alcohol at all. Saturday is my drink day whilst the rest of the week can look after itself.
I also found out today that someone I was interested in is now in a relationship so she is off my list of potential partners, I'm not upset about it actually as I doubt we would have worked out anyway.
Still in my low grade meh mood but I'm starting to get used to it now as it seems to be as happy as I get these days.
Anyway, I'm away now to wash the slow cooker which has been soaking and other fun stuff like changing the kitty litter. Whoop-de-doop.
Love and Peace, ttfn.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Still low.

I'm still stuck in this low grade meh feeling and I'm feeling grumpy and unlovable all the time. It started when I asked a woman I'd been chatting to in the club on Saturday if she wanted to keep in touch and she merely said "no" then looked at me like I was something she had stepped in. I felt rejected and unwanted, I wish people would learn how to issue a rejection more kindly.
Anyway, ever since I have been on a downer and don't know how to break it. I hope my mood will improve soon but I'm not holding my breath. What I need are love and hugs, neither of which are anywhere on the horizon.
I'm off now to read about the causes of WWI. Peace and Love. ttfn

Sunday, 2 February 2014


For some reason I've gotten myself into a low mood without any particular cause that I can identify. Maybe all the travelling is catching up with me and it's tiredness that has dragged me down. I don't know, it just seems that the light at the end of the tunnel has gone out and I'm left in the dark.
I really hope this is a temporary blip and I can pick up again soon. Until then I'll just keep on keeping on.

Saturday, 1 February 2014