Friday, 24 May 2013

Still Spring, still freezing cold.

But that is not what I am writing about today. What I am writing about today is writing, my writing or lack of it.
Many months ago I started writing The Tale, it's about a young fellow who leaves his home in the North East of England for a new life in America. So far the poor lad is stuck in Cleveland, Ohio waiting to propose to his sweetheart and move West to make a new life for himself and, he hopes, his new bride.
The problem is I've ground to a halt and can't seem to motivate myself to get going again. I even started a second tale about an abandoned fishing boat called the Tale of the Mary M but that is still in dry dock as I haven't been able to get this tale afloat either.
I should concentrate on getting Bob West, the hero of The Tale, or West goes West as I've provisionally titled it moving again. I will set a start date and stick by it, writing for half a day at weekends, probably on a Sunday after the gym and lunch. I will reward myself with a beer in the club at the end of each writing session to give me an incentive to do the job and get the first draft of The Tale finished.
That's decided then, I will recommence The Tale on Sunday June 2nd at 2 pm and write until 7pm when I will decamp to the club for a beer, just one though as I'm also on a plan to become a snake-hipped lothario by Wednesday April 9th 2014 which is the date I have to go to the lipids, or as I call it, fat clinic.
I will also try to bore my reader a bit more often on here as well but until my next foray into blogdom, ttfn.

Saturday, 18 May 2013


This morning I had porridge for breakfast whilst sitting in front of a roaring fire with a blanket over my knees. I'm either feeling the cold more than usual in my old age (54) or Spring has not sprung and Summer has gone on holiday leaving us to be looked after by Autumn.
I remember Spring and Summer, they were those seasons where the sun shone and you could go into the garden with a nice cold drink or perhaps sit down by the sea watching as the waves lapped gently onto a golden sandy beach. These days you have to sit in the house wrapped in blankets by the fire watching the rain lashing the windows whilst clutching a mug of soup.
Where has the good weather gone? Is there an evil weather pixie that has stolen our temperate climate and replaced it with permanent Autumn/Winter? If so please can we have it back if I promise to be good?Another year like the last couple would be just too much to bear so come on Spring/Summer sort yourselves out and do your job!